Feb 07, 2025  
2013-2014 College Catalog 
2013-2014 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admissions/Records Information


General Supervision

Admission Application Procedures

The Office of Admissions and Records is responsible for interpreting and implementing Alabama State Board Policy as well as federal, state, and local laws and policies regarding admission of students to the College and the maintenance of academic records.

  1. Students Entering Shelton State Community College for the First Time
    1. All students must complete the Application for Admission and present either; (1) one primary form of documentation, or (2) two secondary forms of documentation. See Addendum A . Applicants must submit the documentation in person within the Office of Admissions & Records or through a notarized copy by U.S. Mail. All requested information on the application must be provided. Applications may be submitted online at www.sheltonstate.edu, complete with the Application Signature Page.
    2. Students’ Entering Status
      1. High school graduates who have never attended college should request that the high school mail an official transcript with a graduation date posted, official signature, and diploma type directly to the Office of Admissions and Records, Box 190, Shelton State Community College, 9500 Old Greensboro Road, Tuscaloosa, AL 35405.
      2. Applicants who hold the General Educational Development (GED) must have an official GED transcript sent directly to the Office of Admissions and Records from the test site or the Alabama State Department of Education.
      3. Applicants who have received an Alabama Occupational Diploma should request that the high school mail an official transcript directly to the Office of Admissions and Records, Box 190, Shelton State Community College, 9500 Old Greensboro Road, Tuscaloosa, AL 35405, and refer to “Admission of Ability to Benefit Students” under the Types of Admission section. Students with qualifying ACT or SAT scores should refer to “1.d.” under the “Types of Admission ” section.
      4. Students who have received a Certificate of Attendance should refer to “Admission of Ability to Benefit Students” under the “Types of Admission” under the “Admissions Requirements” section.
      5. Applicants who have not completed high school and who have not earned a GED certificate should refer to “Admission of Ability to Benefit Student” under the “Types of Admission” under the “Admission Requirements” section.
      6. Students who transfer from another college must request that official transcripts from each college previously attended be mailed to Shelton State. Applicants who have completed a baccalaureate degree or higher and who do not plan to pursue a degree at Shelton State are only required to submit an official transcript from the institution granting the highest degree.
      7. Students who intend to remain at Shelton State for only a single term may enroll as transient (rather than transfer) students (see section on “Admission of Transient Students” under the “Types of Admission” under the Admission Requirements section).
      8. High school students who are enrolling through Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit or Accelerated High School status must meet all eligibility requirements. See “High School Students” under the “Admissions Requirements” section.
    3. First-time freshmen students must have qualifying placement scores for math, English, and reading on file with the Admissions Office prior to admittance.  Refer to the Compass Assessment and the ACT/SAT Policy sections for information regarding course placement requirements.
  2. Readmission                                                                                                                                                   Former students of Shelton State who have not been in attendance within one calendar year will be required to complete an application for readmission. If these students have attended college elsewhere during this period, official transcripts are to be mailed to the Office of Admissions and Records, Box 190, Shelton State Community College, 9500 Old Greensboro Road, Tuscaloosa, AL 35405. Note: All student records not related to a student’s permanent academic record will be destroyed five years from the last date of attendance.
  3. Time of Admission
    Applications may be submitted at any time during any semester. Students are urged to apply in advance of the time they wish to enroll.

Admission Requirements

  1. Admission Requirements
    1. For admission to Shelton State Community College an applicant must provide:
      1. One primary form of documentation such as an unexpired Alabama driver’s license; an unexpired Alabama identification card; an unexpired U.S. passport; an unexpired U.S. permanent resident card; OR
      2. Two secondary forms of documentation, one of which must be a photo identification card other than those specified in section “a” above, AND one additional form of identification such as a Certificate of Naturalization, a Social Security card, or a certified copy of a U.S. birth certificate. Refer to Addendum A .
    2. For admission to an Alabama Community College System institution, all international applicants must provide a VISA acceptable to the United States and an official translated copy of the student’s high school/college transcript; a minimum score on an approved English as a Foreign Language exam as specified in the guidelines; signed, notarized statement verifying adequate financial support; and documentation demonstrating adequate health and life insurance which must be maintained during enrollment.                                                           An applicant who fails to satisfy the requirements of “1” or “2” above will not be admitted to Shelton State Community College. Students enrolled in an Alabama Community College System institution prior to the implementation of this policy will not be affected by the requirements of this section.
    3. Applicants must submit the documentation identified in “1” or “2” above in person or through a notarized copy of U.S. Mail prior to admission.
    4. For the protection of the public and to assist in maintaining state and local security, persons who are not citizens of the United States may not be admitted to any Alabama Community College System institution for the purpose of enrolling in flight training, or in any segment or portion of a flight training program, until appropriate certification and approval have been received from the Office of the Attorney General of the United States, pursuant to Section 113 of the Aviation Transportation and Security Act, regulations of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and all other applicable directives.
    5. All male students between the ages of 18 and 26 must show proof of registration with the U.S. Selective Service System in accordance with § 36-26-15.1 of the Code of Alabama of 1974 (as amended).
  2. Types of Admission
    1. Unconditional Admission of First-Time College Students
      For unconditional admission and to be classified as “degree eligible,” applicants must have on file at the institution a completed application for admission and meet at least one of the following criteria:
      1. an official transcript showing graduation with the Alabama High School Diploma, as defined by the Alabama State Board of Education, the high school diploma of another state equivalent to the Alabama High School Diploma, or an equivalent diploma issued by a non-public regionally accredited high school; or
      2. an official transcript showing graduation from high school with a high school diploma equivalent to the Alabama High School Diploma, as defined by the Alabama State Board of Education, issued by a non-public high school (See Addendum B ), and proof of passage of the Alabama Public High School Graduation Examination; or
      3. an official transcript showing graduation from high school with a high school diploma equivalent to the Alabama High School Diploma, as defined by the Alabama State Board of Education, issued by a non-public high school (See Addendum B ), and evidence of a minimum ACT® score of 16 or a total score of 790 on the SAT®; or
      4. an official transcript showing graduation from high school with a high school diploma equivalent to the Alabama Occupational Diploma, as defined by the Alabama State Board of Education, the high school diploma of another state equivalent to the Alabama Occupational Diploma, or an equivalent diploma issued by a non-public high school (See Addendum B ), and evidence of a minimum ACT score of 16 or a total score of 790 on the SAT; or
      5. the Student holds an official GED Certificate issued by the appropriate State education agency.
    2. Conditional Admission of First-Time Students
      1. Conditional Admission may be granted to an applicant if the College has not received proof that he/she has satisfied one of the admission requirements identified in “1.a”- “1.d” above. Students who received a GED certificate and students who did not graduate high school are not eligible to be conditionally admitted.
      2. If all required admissions records have not been received by the institution prior to issuance of first semester grades, the grades will be reported on the transcript.  The student shall not be allowed to enroll for a second semester unless all required admission records have been received by the institution prior to registration for the second semester.
    3. Admission of Ability to Benefit Students
      1. In keeping with the mission of the Alabama Community College System, applicants with less than a high school diploma or GED may be admitted to courses not creditable toward an associate degree or programs comprised exclusively of courses not creditable toward an associate degree, provided that he/she meet following criteria:
        1. be at least 17 years of age; and
        2. not have been enrolled in secondary education for at least one calendar year, or provide a written recommendation from the local superintendent of education, and;
        3. has specifically documented ability-to-benefit based on an assessment approved by the federal government, or holds an Alabama Occupational Diploma, as defined by the Alabama State Board of Education, the high school diploma of another state equivalent to the Alabama Occupational Diploma, or an equivalent diploma issued by a non-public high school, and has not achieved a minimum ACT score of 16 or a total score of 790 on the SAT.
      2. Students who wish to enroll in designated Ability-to-Benefit programs and courses must take an Ability-to-Benefit test. An independent tester administers the Ability-to-Benefit test to determine if the student can enter one of the designated programs. The student must achieve a minimum score to enter one of the designated Ability-to-Benefit programs. Students who hold the Alabama Occupation Diploma are not required to take the Ability-to-Benefit test.
      3. Shelton State offers the following Short Term Certificate (STC) Ability-to- Benefit program:
        • Automotive Body Repair
      4. Students may enroll only in courses listed within the defined STC program of study. The College may establish additional requirements to specific courses or occupational degree programs.
      5. Students designated as Ability-to-Benefit may not be conditionally admitted.
      6. Ability to Benefit students are not eligible for Federal Financial Aid.
    4. Unconditional Admission of Transfer Students
      An applicant who has previously attended another duly accredited postsecondary institution will be considered a transfer student. Please refer to the section “Unconditional Admission of First-time College Students” under “Types of Admission” for the definition of “duly accredited.”
      1. To be classified as degree eligible, a transfer student must have submitted to the institution an application for admission and official transcripts from all duly accredited postsecondary institutions attended and any other documents required for all applicants.
      2. A transfer student who does not meet the requirements in “a.” above shall be classified as a non-degree eligible student/ability to benefit student or conditionally admitted student.
      3. An applicant who has completed the baccalaureate degree will be required to submit only the transcript from the institution granting the baccalaureate degree.
    5. Conditional Admission of Transfer Students
      1. A transfer student who does not have on file official transcripts from all postsecondary institutions attended and any additional documents required by the College may be granted conditional admission. No transfer student shall be allowed to enroll for a second semester unless all required admissions records have been received by the institution prior to registration for the second semester.
      2. If all required admissions records have not been received by the institution prior to issuance of first semester grades, the grades will be reported on the transcript, and, the student shall not be allowed to enroll for a second semester unless all required admission records have been received by the institution prior to registration for the next semester.
    6. Admission of Transient Students
      A transfer student who attended another postsecondary institution and who seeks credit for transfer to that parent institution may be admitted to the College as a transient student. The student must submit an application for admission, an official letter from the parent institution (transient letter) which certifies that the credit earned at the College will be accepted as a part of the student’s academic program, and provide evidence of meeting required pre-requisites prior to registering. The College will accept official or unofficial transcripts.  
      Transient letters must be submitted for each semester the student attends Shelton State prior to registering for classes. Any transient student that fails to provide appropriate prerequisite information may be administratively withdrawn and no refund will be provided.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Transient students are not eligible for Federal Financial Aid.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    7. High School Students
      There are two programs in which high school students may be concurrently enrolled at Shelton State Community College to earn academic or career/technical college credit: Accelerated High School Students Program and Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit for High School Students Program.
      1. Accelerated High School Students
        The Accelerated High School program allows high school students the opportunity to earn college credit while still in high school. College credit earned through the Accelerated High School program may not substitute for high school credit. Credit will be awarded upon the student meeting all requirements for high school graduation.
        1. Admissions criteria
          1. Complete an application for admission and present a photo I.D. as outlined under the section “Admission Application Procedure.”
          2. The student must have successfully completed the 10th grade.
          3. The student must provide certification from the local principal and/or his or her designee certifying that the student has a minimum cumulative “B” average and recommending that the student be admitted under this policy.
          4. The student may only enroll in courses for which high school prerequisites have been completed. The student must also take the COMPASS® placement assessment or have equivalent ACT or SAT score. Refer to the assessment section under the Academic Information  in this catalog. [For example, students must complete English 12 before enrolling in English Composition (ENG 101 ), all four math credits, etc.].
        2. A letter must be submitted each semester that the student attends the College prior to enrollment. Shelton State Community College will not officially award college credit to accelerated high school students until proof of high school graduation (an official transcript with a graduation date) is provided.
        3. Exceptions may be made to requirements “1.a.” and “1.d.” above for students documented as gifted and talented according to the standards included in the State Plan of Exceptional Children and Youth. Permission must be obtained from the Chancellor of the Alabama Community College System.
        4. Students who attend a non-accredited high school must meet additional criteria as listed below:
          1. comply with items “1.a. - “1.d.” as noted above; and
          2. provide ACT scores with a composite of at least 16 or a SAT score of 790. Students who are home schooled are not eligible for the Accelerated High School Program unless they are under the auspices of a cover high school and can provide proper documentation of all items noted above.
      2. Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit for High School Students Program
        Dual enrollment programs allow eligible high school students to enroll in college classes concurrently with high school classes. Students successfully completing dual enrollment classes receive both high school and college credit. An institution within the Alabama Community College System is authorized to establish dual enrollment/dual credit programs with local boards of education in the institution’s service area. Courses offered by the postsecondary institution shall be at the postsecondary level. Enrolled students must pay tuition as required by the institution. Tuition may be provided by alternative resources as described in the guidelines associated with this policy. Dependents of employees of system institutions pay tuition as provided in Policy 612.02.
        1. Admission Requirements
          A student is eligible for admission if the student meets all of the criteria below.

          1. Complete an application for admission and present a photo I.D. as outlined under the section “Admission Application Procedures.”

          2. The student meets the entrance requirements established by Shelton State Community College;

          3. The student has a minimum cumulative 3.0 (B) average in completed high school courses. Transcripts must be provided as documentation of the student’s cumulative grade average;

          4. The student obtains written approval of the appropriate principal and the local superintendent of education;

          5. The student is in grade 10, 11, or 12.

          6. The student meets all pre-requisites for all approved courses at the College.

        2. Exceptions
          Exceptions may be made by the Chancellor of the Alabama Community College System for a student documented as gifted and talented in accordance with Alabama Administrative Code § 290-8-9.12.This exception applies only to the requirement that students be in the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade. The Chancellor may grant other exceptions as requested by the individual college and local school board.

        3. Course Eligibility
          Courses offered shall be drawn from the respective College’s existing academic inventory of courses offered for credit. Courses numbered below 100 and physical education (PED) courses are not eligible for dual enrollment/dual credit. Students may not audit courses under the terms of this policy. Eligible high school students are permitted to enroll in college courses conducted during school hours, after school hours, and during summer terms. The College reserves the right to cancel course offerings when courses do not meet minimum enrollment requirements.

        4. Students Not Attending Public School
          Students who attend a non-accredited high school must meet additional criteria as listed below:

          1. comply with items “1.a.” – “1.f.” as noted above, and;

          2. provide ACT scores with a composite of at least 16 or a SAT score of 790. Students who are home schooled are not eligible for the Dual Enrollment Program unless they are under the auspices of a cover high school that has entered into an agreement with Shelton State Community College and can provide proper documentation of all items noted above.

        5. Dual Credit Agreement
          Participating local boards of education and Shelton State Community College shall develop a Dual Enrollment Agreement that includes but is not limited to the following:

          1. Dual credit contracts must be on file in the Office of Admissions & Records each academic year in order for students to participate.

          2. Approval of the particular courses to be offered and the high school equivalency for each course shall be determined through the mutual agreement of the college and the participating local board of education. Courses must be at the postsecondary level.

          3. Six semester hours at the postsecondary level shall equal one credit at the high school level in the same or related subject. Partial credit agreements shall be developed.

          4. College courses approved for dual credit shall be posted on both high school and college transcripts. Courses completed for dual credit shall be transcripted with the appropriate statement at the postsecondary level indicating dual enrollment credit.

          5. Students are responsible for knowing policies relative to dual enrollment/dual credit of colleges/universities to which they plan to transfer credit. The College reserves the right to refuse readmission to any student who is found to be in violation of College policies (academic standards of progress, Student Code of Conduct, etc.).

    8. Admission of International Students

      1. Students entering Shelton State Community College for the first time.

      2. For admission to an Alabama Community College System institution, an international applicant must provide the items listed below.

        1. An Application for Admission which includes the student’s signature and the presentation of a valid form of identification;

        2. A VISA recognized and accepted by the United States Government.

        3. Copy of passport/visa to include:

          1. identification page, expiration date page, and visa page of passport.

          2. copy of front and back of current Form I-94

          3. previous Form I-20, if applicable

        4. Official documentation of secondary school completion and/or college transcripts translated in English and evaluated. The College recommends World Education Services Inc., www.wes.org, one of the top evaluation agencies used in the United States.

        5. A minimum score of 5.5 on the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) and an International TOEFL score of at least 500 on the paper-based test, 173 on computer-based, or 61 on internet-based.

        6. A notarized statement from a financial institution documenting ability to pay costs of attendance for one entire school year. For additional information, please contact the International Students Office at the College, 205.391.2342.

        7. Documentation demonstrating adequate health and life insurance which must be maintained during enrollment.

        8. English Language Proficiency Exams may be waived for students from the following countries: Australia, Bahamas, Bermuda, Canada (verify from transcript), England, Ireland, Jamaica, New Zealand, Scotland, Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Grenada, Belize, Dominica, Malawi, St. Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, Nigeria, Tanzania, The Gambia, Tobago and Trinidad, Zambia, and Virgin Islands. All other waivers must be submitted to the Chancellor for approval with substantial documentation.

        9. The College requires that the student has adequate health insurance which is inclusive of a repatriation benefit. Proof of life insurance is waived with documentation of the proper insurance policy. The institution should have a recommended coverage available for international students seeking adequate health coverage. International students who do not have the proper insurance must purchase a health insurance policy through the College. Students are required to pay for one semester of coverage at the time of registration.

        10. International students in this country with an F-1 visa from another institution may be accepted for full-time study at Shelton State Community College. Students must complete and return the Transfer recommendation of Student’s Non-Immigration Status prior to admission.

        11. Students with F-1 visas may be accepted for transient status for one semester if they present in advance, before enrollment, a Transient Letter from their home institution recommending and approving specific courses for transfer. It is very important that the student maintain at least one hour from their host institution while in transient status.

        12. F-1 visa holders are required to be enrolled fulltime (12 semester hours or more) and should be progressing satisfactorily toward a degree.

        13. International students must meet all Immigration and Naturalization Service Requirements and complete forms necessary for attendance at Shelton State Community College.

        14. International student tuition is two (2) times that of residents of the State of Alabama.

        15. All international student applicants must secure private housing since Shelton State Community College provides no dormitory facilities.

        16. The final decision for acceptance of international students who have met the preceding conditions will be made by the International Admissions Office.

        17. International students must take the designated placement assessment before registering for classes. International students MUST then register for the appropriate English and reading courses during the first and each successive semester until all English and reading requirements are met.

      3. Other information for International Students

        1. General Information

          1. Purpose of Visa – The nonimmigrant visa is a stamp that a U.S. embassy or consulate affixes to a page in an alien’s passport to indicate the kind of nonimmigrant status or classification that a person is seeking in the U.S. For example, a person seeking to enter the U.S. for an F-1 student status applies to the embassy or consulate for an F-1 visa stamp in his/her passport. The visa gives the holder the right to “knock at the door” of the U.S. at a port of entry. The visa stamp alone does not give a person the right to enter the U.S. The visa holder generally must show additional documents at the port of entry.

          2. Form I-94 and the authorized period of stay – Most nonimmigrants coming to the U.S. are admitted for a specific period of time, and the immigration officer at the port of entry puts an expiration date on the I-94. F-1 students and their F-2 dependents are admitted for the duration of status which is abbreviated by the immigration officer as “D/S” on both the form I-94 and the Form I-20. This notation means that their permission to remain in the U.S. continues for the duration of time that they maintain F-1 student or F-2 dependent status.

        2. Visa and Admission Process

          1. Student applies to college or university and is accepted.

          2. School issues I-20 and sends it to the student.

          3. Student pays a one-time SEVIS fee.

          4. The fee must be paid at least three business days prior to applying for the visa or applying for admission at a U.S. port of entry for those exempt from the visa requirement.

          5. SEVIS fee can only be processed by the Department of Homeland Security via mail or the internet (note: for more information on the SEVIS fee visit http://www.ice.gov/i901/index.htm).

          6. If the F-1 visa application is denied, the SEVIS fee will not be refunded. However, if the student reapplies for a new F-1 visa within 12 months of the denial, the student will not have to pay the fee again. If paying by mail, please submit Form I-901 and payment to the following: Student/Exchange Visitor Processing P.O. Box 970020 St. Louis, MO 63197-0020

          7. Student goes to the U.S. embassy or consulate to apply for an F-1 visa.

          8. Consular officer reviews the application, confirms that the SEVIS fee has been paid, runs required security checks, and grants the F-1 visa. Consular officer enters a notice in SEVIS that the visa has been issued.

          9. Student arrives at a U.S. port of entry (POE).

          10. Immigration officer at the POE reviews the passport, F-1 visa, and I-20, processes the student through US-VISIT, and admits the student in F-1 status. Once date and port of entry data is processed by the POE data system, that data should be transmitted to SEVIS, to notify the DSO that the student has entered using the school’s I-20.

        3. Basics of Maintaining F-1 Status
          The student must:

          1. Report to the DSO for SEVIS Registration upon arriving at the school.

          2. Attend authorized school.

            • For the first entry for initial school attendance, the school listed on the visa and on the I-20 must be the same, and that is the school the student must attend.

            • Carry a full course of study and make normal academic progress towards completion of program. Twelve (12) semester credit hours is considered full time at Shelton State Community College.

          3. Transfer or extend program in a timely manner.

          4. To transfer, the student must not only have a new school to attend, but must be eligible to transfer based on having maintained status at the previous school. The student must also maintain continuity in the program of study.
            In general, an absence from the U.S. or any other academic break of more than five months terminates F-1 status.

          5. Refrain from unauthorized work.
            F-1 students have a broad range of employment options, but they are not permitted to work at will in any job they choose. All F-1 employment must be approved either by the DSO or by USCIS, depending on the kind of employment. Any work outside those parameters is unauthorized work and is a violation of student status, thus making the student ineligible for the normal benefits attendant to F-1 status. In particular, unauthorized work makes a student ineligible for reinstatement.

          6. When traveling abroad, the student must always return in proper F-1 status.
            F-1 students should avoid returning in some other status such as B-2 tourist. Students usually do this because they fail to obtain, or fear to attempt to obtain, an updated F1 visa stamp in the passport and they believe the B-2 would be easier/faster/safer. Under the current regulations, it is not legal for them to enroll in classes if they are in B-2 status.

          7. Report any changes of address to the DSO within 10 days of the change.
            The DSO will update SEVIS within 21 days.

          8. File timely request for extension of stay, change of status, transfer, optional practical training, and other benefits.

          9. Remain in the U.S. for no longer than 60 days after completing the full course of study unless you have followed procedures and applied for other benefits which you may be entitled to under regulations.

          10. Obey all state and federal laws including laws regulating domestic disputes, child endangerment, sexual assault, driving while under the influence, etc.

        4. Transfer Procedures
          F-1 regulations permit a student to transfer from one SEVIS-approved school to another. When transferring from another college or university, an F-1 visa holder is required to submit a Transfer Recommendation Form prior to Shelton State Community College issuing an I-20. Transfer students must meet International Admission standards as well as submit a Transfer Recommendation Form to the International Office. Students are urged to apply in advance of the time they wish to enroll.

        5. Transient Students.
          A transfer student who attends another postsecondary institution and seeks credit for transfer to that parent institution may be admitted to the College as a transient student. The student must submit an application for admission, an official letter from the institution which certifies that the credit earned at the college will be accepted as a part of the student’s academic program, and provide evidence of meeting required pre-requisites prior to registering.  The College will accept official or unofficial transcripts. Students must submit a transient letter (e.g. Letter of Good Standing, course approval letter, etc.) to the Office of Admission and Records prior to the semester for which he/she is registering. Any transient student who fails to provide appropriate prerequisite documentation may be administratively withdrawn, and no refund will be provided.

        6. Permanent Residents

          1. Permanent residents do not have to provide financial documentation demonstrating the ability to pay.

          2. Proof of medical insurance is not required.

          3. Students who have permanent resident status must provide a copy of their permanent resident card. These students should refer to the Shelton State Community College Catalog for guidelines concerning establishing residency in the State of Alabama.

          4. Permanent residents are eligible to apply for financial aid.

          5. For more information on Permanent resident admission policies and procedures, please contact the Office of Admission and Records.

  1. Financial Information for International Students

    1. Tuition and Fees: Actual tuition and fee charges will vary depending on the number and type of courses a student takes each term. Refer to the nonresident tuition and fee schedule within the Financial Information  section in this catalog.

    2. Books and Supplies: Expect to pay at least $500 in expenses for books and supplies for a full course load (12 undergraduate hours). Cost may be higher for some programs.

    3. Medical Insurance: Shelton State Community College requires all international students in F-1 and J-1 status to have continuous medical insurance coverage. The Department of State also requires all visitors in J-1 or J-2 to maintain medical insurance coverage for the duration of their stay in the U.S. Shelton State Community College encourages students with families to obtain medical insurance coverage for all family members in the U.S.

    4. Living Expenses: These expenses include transportation, room and board, personal expenses, and childcare, if needed. Students should add $3600 per dependent to the estimated budget. These expenses vary greatly from student to student.
      NOTE: Students and their financial sponsors should plan to meet the estimated expenses for the duration of the student’s studies. Immigration regulations generally prohibit off-campus employment during a student’s first year of study in the U.S. On campus employment opportunities are few in number and sometimes may be difficult to obtain. Students and their financial sponsors should not plan to meet any cost through on-campus or off-campus employment.

      • All estimates are subject to change without notice. This document reflects estimated cost for academic students the 2012-2013 calendar year which ends in August 2013.

      • Three Semesters (Fall, Spring, Summer, estimate based on 30 annual hours or 12 months)


  Tuition and Fees $5970
  Books and Supplies $1600
  Medical Insurance $1500
  Living Expenses $11820
  TOTAL $20290

 Estimated Cost of Attendance for International Students

All fees subject to change without notice and may change prior to arrival. Additional fees and expenses may apply based on registration and lifestyle.

NOTE: No student will be allowed to enroll for a second term unless all required admissions records have been received by the College prior to registration for the second term. If all required admissions records have not been received by the College prior to issuance of first semester grades, the grades will be reported on the transcript, but an official transcript will not be released until receipt of all required admissions records.

Programs Requiring Special Admission

The following programs require additional admission requirements. The College reserves the right to add additional programs. For more information, refer to the specific program listing in the PROGRAMS OF STUDY/CURRICULUM GUIDES  section of this catalog.

Nursing Programs
For more information call 205.391.2443.
Respiratory Care Technology (RPT)
For more information call 205.391.2443.
Linkage Programs
For more information call 205.391.2273.

Admission Requirements: Center for Workforce Development, Wellness Center, Community Education, Lifelong Learning Units, Adult Education

Shelton State Community College offers many noncredit programs and activities through the Center for Workforce Development, the Wellness Center, the Community Education programs, the Mund Lifelong Learning Center, and the Adult Education Program Each of these units establishes admission requirements for their programs and activities. These admission requirements, which vary considerably among programs and activities, are designed to ensure that participants are those for whom each specific program or activity is designed and are available in the materials published by the College and on its Web site, www.sheltonstate.edu.